Thursday, October 30, 2008

What's in a name?

"Our name is our virtue" is a line from a song I like ("I'm Yours" - Jason to it on the sidebar).
It got me to thinking about names. We humans have a proclivity to naming....everything! That includes ourselves and each other, of course. It is a way of defining that which separates us from the rest of the world. Our names come to have meaning and connotation as well. It is an important rite to name the child when it is born. Most parents, I dare to say, give it a good deal of thought, not only for how the name sounds but also for what the name means. As we grow into adulthood, our names become inextricably entwined with our identity.
Do I like my name? What does my name mean to me? How does it sound? Does my name define me to others?
I confess, I do not completely like my name. I accept it, but I don't exactly love it. It's sound of the "dith" part I am not fond of. I like the "Me" and the "red" and even the "Mer" and, yes, I suppose, the "Mere." I just can't get over the "dith " and the "edith." I also don't like that people frequently misspell it, and sometimes mispronounce it (hint: there are THREE syllables, not two! It's MEHR - eh - dith, not MARE-dith!)
My name in general has been unusual. One doesn't hear it as often as more popular names. It always gives me a little thrill to hear someone say my name in public, for that very reason. I swivel around, to have a look at the other Meredith. I wonder, is she like me? How does she like her name?
"Our name is our virtue." Our name is our virtue? Anyone have a clue what that means? Do my best qualities dwell in my name? Is all my untapped potential hidden there? What is in a name?

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