Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I think it is not so much experiences that become tiresome, but all the decisions. Every day, we must make decisions, big and small, each cascading one upon another and another. Until it seems that all we really do is make decisions.
And yet. Is this not also the point of our existence? Who or what are we but our choices? Our choices as to how and what we think, feel, believe, and perhaps most importantly, our choices as to how to act? We are here in order to decide. Call it by another name - create. We create our world and our lives by deciding, by choosing - this color, that texture, this book, that movie, this relationship, that career. And so on and so on, until (it seems) infinity.
Sometimes it all gets to be a bit much. How can we really know in any given moment which is the best choice? The answer is, most of the time, that we can’t. We can only press forward, in our own uniquely human way.
When we then “suffer the consequences” or we try to second-guess our choices, we tend to get caught up in the drama, and lose sight of the over-arching purpose of all our experiences: the very act of creation.

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