Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Cleaning, Part II

Another way I am spring cleaning is clearing verbal clutter. That has two parts: the first is trying to clean up my language. Not that I have a gutter mouth, exactly, but I do let a four letter word pop out now and then! I mainly am thinking of the effect on my children with this one. I hope they don't get the idea that it's okay to use vulgar language. So far, they mostly haven't. This spring, I am working to come up with alternatives to the F and S words, especially when I am feeling aggravated. That's when they generally appear! So there may be a deeper issue there. Definitely there is, how about that.
Which leads me to the second part: negative self-talk! Negative self-talk is perhaps the single most insidious eroder of my positive energy. What I say to myself in any given moment has a powerful effect on my experience of the world. It is also an important predictor of my future experiences as well. So, I have to become more aware when I am using negative self-talk. Then stop it.

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