Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Home is Where I Want to Be

Living in Florida the last few years, I felt separated from the turning of the seasons as I had known it. I think I was needing that break, and then when it happened, I realized I really did miss the cycle of nature that occurs in the Northern climate.
Now I am back in it, and I both recall what I loved and what I disliked about this part of it. I am talking about winter, of course. It's cold, and cold, and cold. It makes me want to stay home. I feel inexplicably homesick, even when I am at home. It's all part of the process. It's what's got me pondering lately. Winter holds me in its thrall. It keeps me home and makes me homesick. >sigh<

1 comment:

Allison said...

don't I hear you on this one. I think I would always miss winter if I didnt' experience it but am bitter about it at this point when it seems it will never end :) all part of the process for sure....