Friday, November 19, 2010

For the Love of God

There are almost seven billion people on Earth. Each one is a child of God, no matter who or what they are, what they believe, what they do or don't do. We all come from that which created us. No matter how far we travel from that source, we all came from the same place.
Taking a moment to reflect on that, I think of the only thing that God asks of us: love. The only thing we have to do is love God. How do we do that? Simply by loving that which God created: our essential selves. To love one another is simple. It is not easy, especially when we are called to love some very problematic people. It is not easy, especially when we are called to love ourselves no matter what. But that is all we have to do.
Simple, but not easy.
If we persevere through the difficulty of this simple task, we have made the world better. If we all do this, the world will be a lot better.
Have no fear, for you are not alone. God shows us how to love unconditionally every day.

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