Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What's Wrong?

Why is it that it is always in retrospect that I like a haircut that I had? For the longest time, I have not liked my haircuts. I can't even remember the last time I truly liked my hair. But then, when I see a photo of myself, I think, gee that was not such a bad haircut. I am starting to think that it's not my hair, it's me. What if I just plain don't really like myself? The haircut is only an outer manifestation. It is not really all that important in and of itself.
Here is my secret: I want to cut off all of my hair. I want a really short haircut, and I don't want to have to deal with it. But I am afraid. I am afraid of looking too old, too mannish, not attractive. There, I've said it. Now I get to publicize it, see it on my blog, and then, and only then can I laugh at my own vanity.
Just in time for my haircut appointment on Thursday.
Here goes.

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