Wednesday, September 7, 2011

9/7 Wednesday Hodgepodge....

There is a link to the wonderful blog whence these questions came, to the left of this column.....

1. What is one piece of advice you would give a 'just turning' 21- year old adult? 

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.

2. Besides cooler weather (or warmer weather, depending on your hemisphere) what is one thing you are looking forward to this fall?

In general, I am looking forward to seeing what fall is like in my new country.

3. What sound lulls you to sleep? 
I love the 'white noise' of my fan. I admit, it is a hard habit to break when the cooler weather comes around!

4. September is National Preparedness Month...does your family have an emergency 'kit' and/or disaster plan in place? 
I first built a kit after 9/11. It's around here somewhere....

5. How has your blog changed since you started blogging? Or has it? 
It's pretty much the same: usually intermittent, and occasionally insightful!

6. What's something you've recently learned to do on the computer?

I'm trying my hand at Google+.

7. Is a picture worth a thousand words? Elaborate.

8. Insert your own random here. 
 I was excited to learn today that, not ten minutes' walk from our place, is a lovely hiking trail through the the end: the Höllgrotten caves..."Amid the wild romanticism of the Lorze ravine, these most beautiful limestone caves are richly adorned with calcareous formations, while miniature lakes, impressive stalagmites and stalactites in a variety of hues give each grotto its special characteristic." I can't wait to go there!!

1 comment:

Joyce said...

Pretty sure every season in your country is gorgeous! Hope you are settling in and the kids are adjusting to the new school and language : )