Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bless the Beasts and the Children

One of my favorite parts of living with a dog is seeing how she lives completely in the moment. Her joyfulness is unbridled, her love is unconditional, her loyalty is unquestionable. She has got a great way of living! She lives in virtue without even trying. She is an inspiration to me. Other than that occasional peeing on the floor thing.
Speaking of inspiration, children do that too. I have learned so much from my children. They seem to be able to find my growing, unhealed parts so well! They challenge me to become a better person, every day.
I would not want to be a child again. Nowadays it looks very hard to grow up, with all the stuff going on in the world.
I wouldn't mind being a dog, though. In the right family, of course! Perhaps that can be arranged in some other incarnation of mine?

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