Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fear, It's Self

Fear is rather selfish, when you think about it. It is based in the ego's thoughts and desires. If you are feeling fear, you are basing your thoughts on something that is outside of you. Your essence, which dwells beneath your ego, does not even comprehend fear. The experience of fear is completely based in earth-bound reality. There is no fear in heaven. Fear draws its energy from the illusion of our separation from God. This is the paradox of our experience. We come from God; therefore, we are completely and utterly safe. We believe that we are separate beings, both from each other and from God. We experience fear in that separation. This takes myriad forms. But all fear is at its core a belief that we are somehow not safe. We harbor this illusion for many reasons. The illusion makes us doing many foolish things. Thus is fear born. When we forget God, we beget fear. When we remember we are of God, we come back to Love. It is an unending journey, around and around, always circling back, continually forgetting and remembering. Today, I remember: I have nothing to fear.

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