Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Where it stops, nobody knows

I'm more of a merry-go-round gal than a roller coaster gal, first of all. So when life becomes a roller coaster (emotionally speaking), I am not exactly in my element. I prefer the steady bobbing up and down, with a bit of change in scenery and a bit of repetition (familiarity breeds contentment). Throw a bit of music in, and I am a happy camper.
But, alas, life is not always thus. OTHER people, who may be ROLLER COASTER people, are there in my midst, having to be dealt with and perhaps supported or challenged or leaned on or whatever.
So, roller coasters have some things in common with merry-go-rounds, but ONE thing different is the highs and lows, and the twists and curves (okay, that's two things). Before I get too lost in this metaphor, let me be clear, I am pro-"feeling what you feel."
I guess it does come down to how you view the world. You decide what kind of ride you like best. Just excuse me, if I don't feel like taking the same ride as you do. I may stay on the side and watch you, and then go on my own ride when it's my turn.

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