Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May I please answer this week's Hodgepodge Questions?

Link to the originating blog, From This Side of the Pond, is to the left..... 

1. Have you ever been served breakfast in bed? Do you enjoy that? If someone were serving you breakfast in bed this coming weekend what would you hope to see on the tray?

My kids give me breakfast in bed on Mother's Day. I enjoy and appreciate the intent, if not always the execution! I am not sure I will have breakfast in bed on Sunday, but I would love to see a bowl of fresh fruit, a cup of coffee, and perhaps a croissant or a muffin. And a flower in a bud vase! Hey, a girl can dream!

2. What is one piece of advice you would give a new mother?
Trust your intuition. Also, sleep is highly overrated.You'll be surprised by how little you can get by on!

3. When was the last time you wanted to scream? Explain. 
I am going through a period of change in my life, so I am feeling stressed and frustrated a lot! The better question might be: when was the last time I did not want to scream?
(This too shall pass.)

4. Can you hula hoop? 
For about two seconds, so, no.

5. What is something people do in traffic that really bothers you?
Talk or text on their cell phones.

6. What do you do when people don't admit they're wrong?
I pray for a miracle. I pray for guidance. I pray for right action (on my part).

7. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word 'fun'? 
Summertime at the beach!

8. Insert your own random thought here. 
We have lived in this house for a year. It's a rental, and the kitchen had been remodeled by the homeowner. His handyman, when we asked, told us that the wall switch in the kitchen was not connected to anything.
Today, we discovered that the wall switch operates an underfloor heating system! This would have been nice to know last winter as we were freezing our butts off every cold, dark morning at the breakfast table, and wondering why the homeowner had not put any radiators in during his renovation.
Prospective new tenants have been traipsing through lately. One of them must have flipped the switch to see what it did. My son has been telling me since last Friday that the floor is warm, Mom! I kept saying it must be from the sunshine coming in through the glass ceiling. He finally made me get down on the floor tonight to feel it. When we figured it out, we had a good laugh down there on the tiles!



Sue said...

*giggles* I don't know what it is about todays hodgepodge but I'm getting a case of the giggles alround! Your random thought, about the heater in the floor was really cute. I got the visual of a cold family shivering over breakfast warming their hands on hot mugs all the while the switch waited to be flipped! hee hee hee... too cute!

Joyce said...

Ohh under the floor heating is so sad you didn't knowcit was there. Have a happy Mothers day!

Joyce said...

I'm on my iPad which has a mind of it's own when it comes to spelling! " know"

Meredith said...

The underfloor heating tale gets better!
Even after we thought we had switched it off, the floor was still warm the next day! So I texted the handyman, who told me the REAL switch is on another wall. THAT switch had been covered by a bookshelf we'd placed there when we moved in last spring. I now vaguely recall seeing the switch, conveniently located at ground level, and wondering what it was. In true menopausal fashion, I then completely forgot about it. The other day, my son (now admits that he) dropped something behind the shelf, which apparently turned on the heat switch.
No sense in being a prize fool if you can't record it for posterity on the internet!