Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Special Royal Wedding Commemorative Edition

A link to the wonderful blog whence these questions came, From This Side of the Pond,  is to the left.

1. What is something that bothers you if it is not done perfectly?

I have a 'thing' about making my bed as soon as I arise. I exhort my children to do the same. After the morning flurry settles down and they're off to school, as I pass my son's room....I can't help myself! I have to go in and re-make his bed! Because his idea of 'make your bed' and my idea of it are, well, different. We never speak of this, but he must know, because I cannot be walking by covers askew and half the pillows on the floor all day long. And I can't simply close the door because that would make the hallway too dark, don't you know. 
My husband rags on me all the time, because he thinks I like a lot of things 'perfect.' The truth is, I do. But most of the time, I have learned to live with imperfection. Life is easier that way.

2. What is one of your best childhood memories?
Staying outdoors the live-long day. Playing games, riding bikes, having picnic lunches, climbing trees, making forts, going to the was a kid's world all the way until suppertime!

3. Do you plan to watch the Royal Wedding and when was the last time you wore a hat? 
Hahaha! I love that these questions are together this way! Of course I plan to watch the Royal Wedding. V. excited about it, especially since we are right here in the middle of the action. Husband even wants to head down to the Parade Route! I am not so sure about that, so we'll see. There is a neighborhood party planned, too. I have a feeling the whole town will be one big party!
As for hats, it has to be in the winter. Mostly hats are utilitarian for me. Because I have an unusually big head, most women's hats simply do not fit me!

4. Where do you fall in the birth order in your family? Do you think this has influenced your personality? 
I am the second to the youngest, out of seven children. My brother and I are close in age, with the rest all a bit older, so we were sort of a subset, known as "the littles" when we were growing up. So, in one sense, I was also the "elder" of that minigroup. I think both roles had some influence on me. I learned early on how to be the pesky little smart aleck in order to get attention and to get my way. Later on, when it was just my younger brother and me, I learned to take charge and take care of others. In a way, I had the best of both worlds. 

5. Where do you think you spend most of your money?
First, there is the mortgage and property taxes on our New Jersey home! In daily life, it is easily the supermarket....

6. When you need to confront someone would you rather communicate in person, on the phone, by email or by letter? Why? 
My last choice would be the phone. I have a weird phobia about making phone calls, even when they are non-confrontational. Email has been a godsend to me!
If it is a business (non-personal) type of confrontation, I prefer the written word (email or letter), not only so that I can measure my words, but also to have a record of the interaction.
If it is a personal matter, say with my husband or a family member, I prefer in person, as I have the advantage of being both open-minded and quick-witted (even if I do say so myself!!)

7. Dodge ball, freeze tag, kickball or jump rope? You have to pick one. 
Jump rope, because it's collaborative rather than competitive.

8. Insert your own random thought here

It's not my own random thought, but it's a poem by Robert Frost called A Prayer in Spring:

Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers to-day;
And give us not to think so far away
As the uncertain harvest; keep us here
All simply in the springing of the year.

Oh, give us pleasure in the orchard white,
Like nothing else by day, like ghosts by night;
And make us happy in the happy bees,
The swarm dilating round the perfect trees.

And make us happy in the darting bird
That suddenly above the bees is heard,
The meteor that thrusts in with needle bill,
And off a blossom in mid air stands still.

For this is love and nothing else is love,
The which it is reserved for God above
To sanctify to what far ends He will,
But which it only needs that we fulfil.


Allison said...

have you seen the scene in Along came Polly? haha. love it.

Meredith said...

I did see Along Came Polly. What scene do you mean? The pillows on the bed?