Monday, March 7, 2011


To be peaceloving also implies that one is peace-attracting. Conversely, it could be averred that a peaceloving person also attracts the opposite of peace. In other words, if you create what you defend against (as some claim), you are at the same time attracting the opposite of what you love in order to turn the opposite around. This is my way of processing the goings-on in myself of late. I have been decidedly un-peaceful. Sure there are lots of (external, ephemeral) reasons for that. Yet, isn't the essence of serenity (which is by its nature peace-loving) that you are accepting of all circumstances no matter their character? That you achieve and maintain a sense of calm at your center, no matter the storm swirling about you? I suppose that ought to continue from the external all the way to the internal storm. Thus, at the very center of my core, I am peaceloving, and peaceful, despite the tempest in my teapot. Moreover, the unrest could be the reason I am able to be at peace in the center, as it is a process, a conscious effort, to go the peaceful place that I love, again and again. It's like coming home. It's always there, even when I am roaring about and flapping my wings and fussing over all manner of unimportant things that bug me.

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