I was reminded of the song "What's So Funny About Peace, Love and Understanding" (the original Nick Lowe version, not the Elvis Costello version - click on the title to hear it).
Naturally, it got me to thinking: what is so funny about peace, love and understanding?
Why do we make things so difficult for ourselves? Must life be so complicated? Can't we all just get along? If not, why not?
First: Peace. Peace is a state of mind. The peaceful state of mind creates a peaceful reality. As long as any of us persist in our resistance to a peaceful state of mind, we cannot truly know peace in reality. Conversely, as long as one of us knows a peaceful state of mind, peace exists in reality. As always, it begins in one, and we need only bring ourselves to the tipping point for it to become reality all over. It can happen. It will happen. It is happening.
Second: Love. Love is all there is. Whatever is not Love, does not really exist. Semantics can be slippery here. One must be careful not to become solipsistic in the presence of Love. Still, in my book, Love is, and the rest is embellishment.
Finally, Understanding. The etymology suggests that it means "standing in the middle of, or center." How wonderful! When you understand, you are in the center of that which is understood. In this world of dualities, understanding brings you into the center, where, as we know, the perspective is infinite.
So: Peace, Love and Understanding - not funny, as in ironic, not funny, as in haha. Maybe a little bit funny, as in AHHHHHHHH! HAAAHAAA!!! I get it now!